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Terry Flanagan,
Director of Music
Stephanie Boorman,
Church Administrator
Rev Dale Southorn
Kathy Anderson,
Director of Christian Education
Kathy Anderson

Director Christian Education
Kathy joined our staff in August of 2013 as the Director of our Christian Education program.
She has been very involved with Christian education for over 20 years. She has taught Sunday
school for students from preschool through Middle school. She has also served as a church
school superintendent, a Vacation Bible School organizer, an Elder for Education, and a worship
leader for the children’s gathering time. 

She earned her BA at the University of Delaware with a degree in History, with an area of
concentration in European History from Medieval times through the Reformation. She
returned to school in 2000 and received a Masters degree in Elementary Education from
Mercy College while she was employed as a substitute teacher in the Lakeland school District.
Additionally, she attended, as well as taught, many adult education programs at the First
Presbyterian Church of Yorktown.

Kathy believes that the education of the young is one of the most vitally important tasks of the
church as it seeks to grow and thrive. She wants our Christian education program to nourish
and support children of all ages as they grow in their faith development.