New members are welcomed into the congregation at least
twice a year-Fall and Spring. Individuals and families who are
interested in joining the church are invited to participate with
the Pastor and ruling elders in a series of three classes to
explore what it means to by a member of the Presbyterian
Church of Mount Kisco. Individuals discuss their faith journey
and their intention to participate actively in the life of the
church. Sponsors (church members) are assigned to
prospective new members to assist the individual or family in
getting to know church programs and the congregation.
An orientation session is held to give new
members an overview of the Presbyterian
Church of Mount Kisco, activities, and volunteer
opportunities. New members are recognized at
a Sunday service, during which they profess
their faith and declare their intention to
participate actively and responsibly in the
worship and mission of the church.
They are then welcomed into the life of the congregation and
commissioned for full participation. After the service, a special
coffee hour in held to welcome the new members.