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It is our goal to provide a safe environment for all children and youth when
they are within the church buildings or on church property, and on occasions
when their church related activities take them off-site.

To assure this safe environment we have adopted the Child Safety Policy.
This policy applies to all organizations using church property. The church
requires any such organization to provide written assurance of compliance.

Screening of Teachers and Leaders in Church

The Session, through the Christian Education Committee, ensures
that teachers, leaders, assistant leaders, of children and youth are
qualified in their roles.

Teachers and leaders must have been participating members of
PCMK for at least six months, or been an active part of the
congregation for at least one year.

Every Teacher and Parent Helper completes an application, signs a
Sexual Misconduct Information Form and has a basic background

Any person who has been convicted of, pled guilty or no contest to,
or is presently under indictment for a crime against children or
youth will not be placed in a position involving access to children or

All leaders of children or youth will receive training in the Child
Safety Policy and the Darkness to Light "Stewards of Children"
abuse prevention program prior to working with children, and at
least once every three years. (Untrained individuals attending
intergenerational activities with children and youth may not be
designated as leaders).

Untrained parents may assist a trained leader in the classroom for
up to one calendar year prior to being trained, provided they
complete a Sexual Misconduct Information Form.

In particular our policy addresses:

Child Abuse: any treatment of a child that threatens the child's
safety emotionally or physically.

Child Sexual Abuse: sexual touch (physical) or non-touch (verbal)
with a child.

Child Neglect:when a child is deprived of minimal care physically,
mentally, and emotionally; including food, clothing, shelter, education,
or health care when financially able.

Policies for church run programs and guidelines for outside organizations

Children through first grade may not leave the classroom

Children through third grade will be released only to the child's parents
or legal guardian, or authorized person.

Children may not be dismissed before the scheduled end of any event
without permission.

Every effort will be made to have two adults present for all activities
involving children and youth.

Program rooms shall be made as visible as possible, e.g., a viewing
window or an open door.


Information about child abuse, whether observed, reported by others, or
directly or indirectly disclosed by a child or youth, that comes to
employees, teachers or other volunteers will be taken seriously and
reported to both civil and ecclesiastical authorities.

Reporting Child Abuse

In any situation where there is reasonable cause to suggest that a child
may have been abused in any form or there is a perceived risk for abuse
to occur, Church employees, volunteers, visitors, and tenants are
required to immediately report the incident to the Clerk of Session and
the civil authorities within 24 hours. Public Hotline: 800-841-5690.


The accused person, whether staff or volunteer, may not participate in
any activities involving children and youth, until the charges are cleared.

For a more detailed explanation of Presbyterian Church of Mount Kisco's
Child Safety Policy, please contact the church office at 914-666-7001.

Requirements of Parents and Children in Church Activities

Parents/guardians complete a Registration Form for any children and youth who is
attending Childcare, the Sunday School, or the Youth Program regardless of the
amount of time a child intends to spend there.

Children through the third grade are released to the child's parents or legal guardian,
or a person authorized on the child's registration form.

Parents shall advise the teacher or leader if it is necessary for a child to leave before
the scheduled end of an event.

Any time a child or youth leaves the building for any kind of field trip, either in an
auto or by other means, the parents are required to sign a permission slip, including
a Medical Release Form, which will be provided by the Church.

Any time a child or youth participates in an overnight event at the church or
elsewhere, parents are required to sign a permission slip.

Parents are responsible for all transportation of children and youth to church events
off site, unless otherwise arranged by the church (such as a mission trip).

Parents shall supervise their children at church when they are not participating in a
church related activity.